After the Harvest by A.D. Solitaire
UBC Festival Dionysia-2019
After the Harvest, is an original play written by a UBC student: A.D. Solitaire. The play revolves around: Alecto, a person of royalty and Senka, a witch of the hearth. Alecto has come in search of the great witch Senka to ask of it a favour. Alecto seeks power, to murder its family and become the new ruler. However, Senka has something far much darker and sinister in mind. (It is important to note these characters are non-binary. Therefore they are referred to by name only or by: “they, them”).
I.E.D. by Samuel Jurisic
Theatre Xtra-2018
I.E.D., is an original play by my friend Samuel Jurusic. This play was introduced to me by him and a close friend of ours, Shea Heatherington. Together, Shea and I workshopped this play and put it on as a production with TheatreXtra at the U of L. This play takes place in a dystopian future where people with any mental ailment or troubles are locked away for “rehabilitation”, and must audition/prove to a board of citizens they are ready to re-integrate into society. These cast of characters go through an existential journey and band together to cope with each other and their own trials and tribulations, however some pay the price.